Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


The national forest resources and ecosystem services. The role of the institutions.


Rome, 6 December, Auditorium ISPRA, via Curtatone 7

As part of UN initiatives "2011 - The International Year of Forests", ISPRA organizes the conference entitled "The national forest resources and ecosystem services. The role of institutions."
The Conference will be held on December 6 in Rome, at the Auditorium Ispra, Via Curtatone 7, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. ISPRA'sinitiative follows the 2010 event dedicated to biodiversity, on the occasion of the International Year on Biodiversity, just to highlight the strong connection between the sustainable management of forests and thebiodiversity conservation. The aim of the conference is to draw attention to the multifunctional role of forests and create synergies between different actors involved in the sustainable management of the Italian forests. The Italian forests extend over about ten million hectares, one third of the national territory. Among the European nations, Italy is the reachest country in biodiversity, mostly due to its forests. For thousands of years this abundance of genes, species and habitat has offered to the communities inhabiting the peninsula and the islands a number of services, which were the basis for the construction of cultures and economies of the communities themselves.




Documents presented during the conference