Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Trees National Day

Today is celebrated in Italy th Tree National Day established as a national anniversary with a law of the Italian Republic that came into force in February 2013. The aim of the event is to enhance the importance of the tree heritage and to remind the fundamental role played by wood and from the forests. According to data from the ISPRA Urban Areas Report, the total of monumental trees, on a metropolitan scale, amounts to 456, located in all cities except Messina; the majority of the Municipalities has public green spaces per capita between 10 and 30 m2 / ab


In conjunction with Tree Day, it takes place from 20 to 22 November the fifht edition of the Green Public General States , organized in seven italian cities: Rome (20 afternoon), Bologna (20 afternoon), Turin (21 morning), Milan (21 afternoon), Lecce (21 and 22), Venice (22 morning) and Naples (22 afternoon),