Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Data Base Green Infrastructure and Landscape Ecology: high education experiences

The database, created by the Territorial Planning Sector of the Department of Nature Protection in collaboration with the Italian Society of Landscape Ecology, collects the results (thesis / PhD thesis / specialization / master / training, research and publications) of university research regarding the themes of landscape ecology, in general, and ecological networks and connectivity, greening and green infrastructure, in particular.

Its main objectives are to:

  • Identify existing university courses of study and experimentation on these issues
  • Disseminate and share knowledge and news about the general subject of widespread nature,  with particular reference to its  environmental effects, the practice of design and  the relative management tools
  • Systematize and foster synergies between the know-how from academia and land-planning and projects that involve both public administrations and the professional world.


Data base