Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Monographic number 2015


The next special issue of RETICULA, in publication in December, will have the theme:

Integrated planning of  marine-coastal band

The coasts, more precisely, the marine-coastal areas, are geographical areas particularly vulnerable from an environmental point of view since they are facing more substantial modifications and the challenge is  to find a possible coexistence between human societies and environment within the concept of sustainability and land planning developed in an integrated approach

The intention of this special issue is to give a contribution of knowledge to the activities useful for the proper integrated management of coastal areas.

As an example, this is a  list of some of the many topics that will be covered in the special issue:

1. Ecosystem services and biodiversity, environmental and economic assessments, tools and experiences.

2. planning / coordination: examples of good conservation practices coordinates within planning tools.

3. Planning sector: examples of good practices conservation.

4. Integration and synergies in the management of coastal marine band within the tool of  Nature Conservation (Protected Areas).

5. Skills and knowledge for proper planning and management of marine and coastal band. Contributions from the world of Universities and research.

6. Regulatory instruments at international, European, national and regional level, of particular strategic significance

All those interested in contributing an article are invited to send an extended abstract written according to the following format no later than 15 May 2015. The extended abstracts received by this date will be subject to the referee by the Scientific Committee of retícula.