Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



ImmagineThe quality of the indoor school is important for children health of and adults who work there.



Recently Science is concerning a lot about environment and health. This attention helped to improve our laws, our technologies with low environmental impact and individuals capabilities of and local communities to defend themselves from some risks.
In recent years, the attention to the quality of confined environment(indoor) has increased a lot, so the  environment in which we spends most of his time and, in general, the interest for the vulnerability of children versus environmental risk factors. Schools are confined limited environment, not only for the staff who work there, but especially for children who spend here several hours a day. For this reason should be given special attention to the schools, because children have the right to stay in a healthy school, even the students more sensitive with allergies or asthma. While there is some awareness of environmental risk factors "more traditional" as noise, radon, outdoor air pollution, the other attention to several sources of indoor air pollution is more recent.
Technologies and products are getting better and are more sensitive about health and environment and can support to manage these risks in the choice of materials and products, or choices "energy" for heating or cooling. It’s also useful information for school managers and families. Understanding the problem through field projects helps all those who, for various reasons, are concerned with the management of these risks.
As part of the activities of Environment and Health ISPRA has begun to deal with indoor schools with Project SEARCH I (School Environment and Respiratory Health of Children) concluded in 2009. There are currently other institutional collaborations on indoor-schools such as Italy GARD initiative of the Ministry of Health and the Project SEARCH II has just begun.
At the local level also some Regional and Provincial Agencies for Environmental Protection (ARPA / APPA) have concluded and initiated studies and projects on the subject.

Further information:

ISPRA project responsible

Dott.ssa Luciana Sinisi