Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



GRRinPORT (Sustainable management of waste and wastewater in ports) is a project launched in April 2018 and will last 36 months, until 2021. GRRinPORT aims to improve the quality of marine waters in ports by limiting the impact on the environment of the activity port and maritime traffic.

To achieve this goal, GRRinPORT aims to define a set of best practices for waste management in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. The best practices are addressed to port authorities and port users and can be extended to all the ports of the Program area and later to the entire Mediterranean basin.

The purpose of GRRinPORT is to obtain the repositioning of port facilities in an eco-sustainable and eco-innovative context with a cross-border cooperation approach, based on some elements of innovation. In fact, the main negative effect of the current waste management system in the port area, is the pollution of the water that derives above all from the lack of information and awareness of port users, due to the lack not only of the collection infrastructures but also from the need to part of the users to have to adapt to different rules and procedures in each port and in each country.

With a budget of € 1,084,646.00, GRRINPORT wants to achieve the project objectives through:
i) the definition of action plans for the sustainable management of waste, waste water and sediment, addressed to managing bodies and users of port areas
ii) the implementation of specific Pilot Actions on wastewater and sediments, thus contributing to the diffusion of common and virtuous approaches between structures located in different countries but sharing the same marine environment, the Mediterranean Sea, and enhancing port facilities beyond mere functionality, also realizing - if absent - or strengthening - if lacking - the connection between waste management and wastewater management strategies in the ports involved and in the territorial realities in which they are inserted.

ISPRA will be the third beneficiary, with a loan of € 148,943.41.

Project web site