Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Contribution to the knowledge of historical mycological diversity in Italy. Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum.

Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum.

Volume 1

This manual, divided into two volumes, realizes one of the sixteen research topics of the "Fungi Special Project", ie the publication of historical data, available at collections, mycological herbariums, museums, etc., with a view to continuous and progressive biological monitoring of mycological components.

The manual contains a total of about one hundred fact sheets of mycological components and two hundreds photographs of them, one in habitat and one lyophilized. The lyophilization process is a modern and effective method of preserving mycological germplasm.

The lyophilized components were deposited at the Mycological Museum of Acri, in the province of Cosenza, by the Mycological Group Sila Greca-AMB.

The first Volume collects the mycological components belonging to the class Agaricomycetes, orders Boletales and Agaricales.


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