Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Criteria and guidelines to assess health and safety

This publication is the result of wide investigations and studies on the risk to health and safety of the operators exposed to Biological Agents (AB), carried out by the Health and Safety Interagency Center coordinated by ISPRA (ISPRA -Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) in collaboration with the INAIL (Regional Directorate of Liguria).

The document aims to provide criteria and guidelines to assess the biological risk of the operators of the Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection (ARPA-APPA), which are exposed to AB. Then, it focuses on the definitions and the characterizations of the AB provided by the national decree (Legislative Decree no. 81/08, Title X). In addition the meaning of the exposition to the AB meanings is presented.

It also describes: a) pathways and transmission mechanisms from the sources and the tanks of the ABs to the receptors; b) the sensitivity of the AB to the chemical and physical factors, to value  the limits to the transmission of specific agents; c) the means which can cause damages to organism. The severity of these damages can be very different, it depends on the type of exposition which affects the operator.

In the last section it provides operative method to value the risk levels, based on data and information usually available and/or easy to recover by the assessor.

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Handbooks and guidelines
