Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Framework of regional regulations concerning sea, roles and activities of environmental agencies and critical issues in sea applications

This report is produced by the SEA Working Group  under the Three-year plan of activities 2014-2016  of the National System for Environmental Protection.

The report is divided into three chapters: chapter 1 presents the framework of the regional regulations concerning SEA and particularly some aspects such as Competent Authorities, Consultation Bodies and  Authorities with environmental responsibilities, SEA monitoring , roles of Environmental Agencies in SEA applications; the second chapter presents the state of the roles and activities that Environmental Agencies play in the VAS applications. The third chapter deals with the major difficulties (such as technical deficiencies or lack of information) identified by the agencies in the applications.

The information provided in this report is an update and integration of  the first survey described in the report 143/2011 produced under the first three-year plan of activities  2010-2012.


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