Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Special Waste Report - Edition 2012

The Special Waste Report, twelfth edition, is the result of a complex activity of collection, analysis and processing of data by the Service Waste ofISPRA, in implementation of a specific institutional role under Article .189 of D. Decree no. 152/2006.

Through an effective and comprehensive system of knowledge on waste, the report aims to provide a framework of objective information, and updatet in support of the legislature to  orientate policies and interventions to monitor its effectiveness, introducing, if necessary, corrective measures.

The Special Waste Report - provides the data for the year 2010, the production and management of non-hazardous waste and dangerous, at national, regional and provincial levels, and import / export.

It also provides information on the production and management of special waste, product categories, according to the nomenclature provided for in Regulation (EC) n. 2150/2002 on waste statistics.
