Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Geomorphology and Cultural Heritage

The volume comprises some contributions concerning the relationships between geomorphology and the cultural elements of a specific territory. This cultural approach concerns the dialogue and cultural integration between humanistic and scientific disciplines and can be extended to all the fields of Earth Sciences, so introducing the concept of Cultural Geology.

Attached to the volume: the geomorphological map of the Upper Tagliole Valley (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy), the geotourist map of the Upper Tagliole Valley (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy), and the Carte des Géomorphisites de la région d'Ifrane - Azrou (Moyen Atlas, Maroc).


Cost of the volume 20,00 € TAX included

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 87/2009




Bini M. - Geomorphosites and the conservation of landforms in evolution

Brandolini P., Faccini F., Piccazzo M, & Robbiano A. - Geomorphology, environmental geology and natural-cultural heritage of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto Islands (Portovenere Park, Italy)

Castaldini D., Valdati J. & Ilies D.C. - Geomorphological and Geoturist Maps of the Upper Tagliole Valley (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy)

Costa Casais M., Martinez Cortizas A., Pontevedra-Pombal X. & Criado Boado F. - Analysis of landforms in geoarchaeology: Campo Lamerio, NW Iberian Peninsula

De Rita D. & Fabbri M. - The Rupe Tarpea: the role of the geology in one of the most important monuments of Rome

De Waele J., Di Gregorio F., Melis M.T. & El Wartiti M. - Landscape units, Geomorphosites and Geodiversity of the Ifrane-Azrou region (Middle Atla, Marocco)

Franchi R., Savelli D., Colosi F., Drapp P., Gabrielli R., Moretti E. & Peloso D. - Petra and Beida (Jordan): two adjacent archaeological sites up to an exploitation of geomorphology-related topics for a cultural and touristic development

Kirchner K. & Demek J. - Relief of the Podyji National Park and Geomorphologic Aspects of its Protection (Czech Republic)

Luni M., Mei O., Nesci O., Savelli D. & Troiani F. - Gemorphology and Archaeology: an integrated heritage along the Roman Via Flaminia in the mid Metauro River valley (Central Italy)

Motta M., Panizza V. & Pecci M. - Geomorphological hazard assessment on natural rock wall for free climbing practice

Pelfini M., Carton A., Bossoni M., Leonelli G., Martinoli M. & Santilli M. - Enhancement of glacial and periglacial Geomorphosites based on geomorphological and dendrochronological research: An example from the Trafoi Valley (Ortles-Cevedale Groups)

Pereira P., Pereira D.I. & Caetano Alves M.I. - The geomorphological heritage approach in protected areas: Geoconservation vs. Geoturism in Portuguese natural parks

Pralong J.P. - Target Groups and Geodidactic Tools: the need to adapt tourist offer and demand

Sampietro Vattuone M.M. & Neder L. - Relationships between archaeology and landscape in two preandean valleys from northwest Argentina

Seijmonsbergen A.C., De Jong Mat G.G. & De Graaf Leo W.S. - A method for the identification and assessment of significance of geomorphosites in Voralberg (Austria), supported by Geographical Information System

Serrano E., Ruiz-Flaño P. & Arroyo P. - Geodiversity assessment in a rural landscape: Tiermes-Caracena area (Soria, Spain)

Reynard E., Regolini-Bissi G., Kozlic L. & Benedetti S. - Assessment and promotion of cultural geomorphosites in the Triet Valley (Switzerland)


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