Binder1 - page 20

Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
T ime frame
1.2.1. Estab li shi ng pressure-impact -response
relat i onships in aquat ic and ri par ian ecosystems
- Developing a better understanding of the effects of hydromorphological
pressures (damming, embankment, channelisation, non-natural water-
level fluctuations) on the structure and functioning of aquatic and ri-
parian ecosystems.
Li nk wi th 1.2. 3.
- Quantifying the effects of pollution on biological communities.
- Developing systems-based approaches – including socio-economic as-
pects – for the identification of existing or innovative cost-effective
measures to restore or design sustainable ecosystems.
- Assessing the vulnerability of ecosystems to pressure factors.
1.2.2. Under standi ng the impacts of pressures
on the terrest ria l and aquat ic i nterface
- Studying the linkage between the terrestrial parts of a catchment and
the aquatic ecosystem, including wetlands and peatlands.
- Analysing the linkage between upstream and downstream areas, the
role and functional importance of floodplain/lateral connectivity and
channel dynamics, and the interaction between groundwater and the
hyporheic zone.
L ink wi th 1.2.7.
- Quantifying the ecological flow in order to enable the good functioning
of ecosystems while ensuring water availability for different uses.
Li nk
wi th 1.2.6.
- Assessing the role of ecosystems, notably the terrestrial and aquatic
interface, in the attenuation/mitigation of impacts from pressures, in-
cluding extreme events.
- Developing integrated catchment, and transitional waters, management
plans that integrate the terrestrial and aquatic interface.
1.2.3. Develop ing hydromorphology for study i ng opt ions to
restore cont inu i ty, sed iment t ranspor t and f i sh migrat ion
withi n r iver systems
Understanding the processes and dynamics of sediment transport, hy-
draulic connectivity, flow regimes and fish migration within river systems.
L ink with 1.2.1.
1.2.4. Achi evi ng WFD ob ject ives i n Heav ily Modi fi ed Water
Bodi es
- Understanding the techniques and approaches, including modelling
tools, that can be efficiently used to maintain and improve the ecological
potential of Heavily Modified Water Bodies, i.e. defined as water bodies
subjected to several concurrent pressure factors.
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