Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


CleanAir@School at Bimbimbici 2021

Bimbimbici is the event promoted by FIAB - Italian Federation of the Environment and Bicycle to encourage sustainable mobility and spread the use of two wheels among young and very young people.

Last 10 October, in many Italian municipalities, city or park rides were organized for children and young people in collaboration with the Regional Agencies for the Protection of the Environment participating in the initiative and the Local Associations to focus attention on the theme of the environment and to encourage the use of bicycles as an ecological means of transport to go to school.
Promoting sustainable mobility between children and young people also improves air quality, in fact, the Bimbimbici 2021 edition was held in collaboration with the European project CleanAir @ School of the European Environment Agency (EEA) - coordinated in Italy by ISPRA and SNPA-National System for the Protection of the Environment.