Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Common agricultural policy: modernize, simplify and streamline

European Commission proposals for Common agricultural policy


The European Commission has proposed measures directed to modernize, to simplify and to streamline the Common Agricultural Policies, with the purpose to satisfy more effectively the increasing demand of alimentary products. 
Among the main changes: the abolition of the obligation for the farmers to leave uncultivated 10% of the fields and the gradual abolition of the milk quotas within 2015. Currently the granting of supplies to farmers depends on the respect of some environmental bonds, animal comfort and food quality.
The Commission reckons that the system must be simplified and improved, cutting the inappropriate obligations and the ones that fall under the normal responsibility of the farmer and introducing criteria aimed at the optimization of the water resources management.
Today, all the farmers who receive more than 5.000 Euro for year of direct supplies, loose a 5% quota that is devolved to the budget of rural development. The Commission proposes to increase this percentage to 13% within 2012. The funds obtained can be used by member States to support programs for climatic changes, renewable energies and biodiversity.