Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea

Study meteorological-marine phenomena with seismology tools in order to obtain a better understanding of extreme events also resulting from climate change.
This is the objective of the research Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea, just published in the prestigious journal 'Science of the Total Environment'.

The Medicane (from MEDIterranean hurriCANE, i.e. Mediterranean hurricane) is a low pressure system identifiable as a small-scale tropical cyclone. It shares some characteristics with the latter, including heavy rains, winds and storm surges, but its duration and intensity are limited due to the reduced extension of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, it is capable of producing extensive damage along the exposed coasts, constituting a high risk factor due to the high population density and production infrastructure present.

Two ISPRA researchers participated in the research

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