Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



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Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. National Inventory Report 2022
The report describes the reporting of emissions of greenhouse gases that Italy officially communicates in accordance with the requirements of the United Nation Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the European Union’s Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism.
Reports   360 / 2022
Intercomparison on the taxonomy of freshwater benthic diatoms (2020-2021)
In the continuation of a collaboration between the Environmental Agencies of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lombardy, the University of Turin and ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection), this report contains the results of an interlaboratory comparison aimed at assessing the performance of the participating laboratories in the taxonomic identification of benthic diatoms in surface water bodies
Reports   364 / 2022
Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions
ISPRA, as required by the legislation (Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06), has started the activities of developing risk assessment criteria as a national reference for the Regional Plans for the Remediation of Polluted Areas (PRBs). This report illustrates the activities conducted in the first phase (phase 1), in which national priority criteria are first identified, to apply to potentially contaminated sites, with the support of the Technical Table, set up with Regions and ARPA, starting with the reconnaissance of criteria available at national and international level.
Reports   365 / 2022
Efficiency and decarbonization indicators for total energy consumption and power sector. Comparison among Italy and the biggest European countries
Efficiency and decarbonization indicators updated to 2020 have been analyzed in relation to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The 2020 is the benchmark year to verify the EU's climate and energy targets established with the Climate and Energy Package. Moreover, in 2020 the Covid-19 emergency has heavily affected the European countries’ economy and GHG emissions.
Reports   366 / 2022
Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2022
The Report on Waste from Economic Activities, now in its twenty-first edition, is the result of a complex activity of collection, analysis and processing of data by the National Centre for Waste and Circular Economy of ISPRA, with the contribution of regional and provincial Environmental Protection Agencies. The Report implements a specific task required by article 189, of legislative decree. n. 152 of 3th April 2006. The conference, in the presence of the ministry, represents an opportunity for discussion with the main stakeholders on how the waste management system has reacted is reacting to the Covid-19 emergency and how it is getting ready for the enormous challenges of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan PNRR.
Reports   367 / 2022
Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2022. Summary Data
Reports   368 / 2022
The disaggreagation at the provincial level of the national inventory of emissions
This report illustrates the activity carried out to disaggregate on a provincial basis the emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases estimated in the national emissions inventory prepared by ISPRA. The estimates were obtained using a top-down approach and calculated for the years: 1990 - 1995 - 2000 - 2005 - 2010 - 2015 - 2019.
Reports   369 / 2022
IEA preliminary activities for industrial installations under state jurisdiction. Scientific technical support to the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Year 2021
This Report represents the report of the preliminary activities in support of the Ministry of Ecological Transition for the issue of the Integrated Environmental Authorizations of state competence carried out during the year 2021.
Reports   373 / 2022
Study on municipal waste prevention measures adopted by municipalities
The Report presents a study on the measures to prevent the production of urban waste adopted by local administrations to which a specific questionnaire prepared by ISPRA. This questionnaire is divided into 20 questions elaborated in the light of the measures established for the new National Waste Prevention Program by art. 180 of Legislative Decree 152/06 (amended by Legislative Decree 116/2020).
Reports   370 / 2022
Report on Waste from Economics Activities 2022. Summary data
Reports   368/bis / 2022
Indicators, indices, and future studies for the analysis of the main environmental trends
The document analyses key emerging environmental topics (natural capital, climate change, circular economy and environment and health) through three different approaches based on the use and exploitation of the trends of the most relevant indicators in the Environmental Indicators’ Database ( Banca dati indicatori ambientali)
Reports   372 / 2022
Methane in the Italian greenhouse gas Inventory L’Italia e il Global Methane Pledge
Reports   374 / 2022
National report on pesticides in waters 2022 edition (2019-2020 data)
The Report provides information on the presence of residues of plant protection products in surface water and groundwater. The 2019-2020 monitoring results are presented in terms of the recovery frequency and concentrations distribution, the levels of contamination obtained by comparison with the environmental quality standards are assessed. 
Reports   371 / 2022
Marine benthic invertebrates: second national Interlaboratory Comparison within the SNPA
This Report presents the results of the second interlaboratory comparison on marine benthic macroinvertebrates, in which the Regional Agencies, involved in the assessment of the ecological status of Italian coastal marine waters, participated. The purpose is to ensure uniform application throughout the territory and continuous updating of the comparison of monitoring and control systems on a national scale.
Reports   376 / 2022
Estimation of PM10 concentration in Italy with spatio-temporal statistical models: application examples
The report describes the use of a Bayesian hierarchical space-time model for the high spatial resolution estimate (1km x 1km) of daily PM10 concentrations, in order to give a demonstrative overview of possible applications. The model was applied, separately for each month, to the PM10 concentrations measured since 2013 to 2020 by the Italian regional air quality monitoring networks. 
Reports   375 / 2022
Municipal Waste Report - edition 2022
Reports   380 / 2022
National inventory of closed or abandoned type A mining waste storage facilities. Update report to 2022
Reports   378 / 2022
Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2021. Working Programme ISPRA/ARPA: Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms along the italian coasts
The presence of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis ovata (Fukuyo) has been observed along the Italian coast since the ‘90s. From then, intense and recurrent blooms of this seaweed alga occurred in several locations of the Tyrrhenian Sea and Adriatic Sea.
Reports   379 / 2022
Temperature and precipitation 1991-2020 climatic normals over Italy
Climate normals are the mean or characteristic values of a climate variable in a long time interval. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) established that the length of the reference period should be 30 years,  recommending to update the normals every 10 years, in order to provide representative reference values for recent climatic conditions. 
State of the Environment   99 / 2022
Climate indicators in Italy 2021 - Edition XVII
The 17th report "Gli Indicatori del Clima in Italia" describes the Italian climate in the year 2021 and updates the estimate of climate variations in the last few decades. It is based on climate data, indices and indicators derived from the "National System for the collection, processing and dissemination of climate data" (SCIA, ) developed by ISPRA in collaboration with National System of Environmental Protection national and regional meteorological monitoring networks.
State of the Environment   98 / 2022