Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


The Sectoral Reference Documents for EMAS

The purpose of this study is to encourage EMAS registered organizations, as required by the European Regulation, to support a wider use of the Sectoral Reference Documents, issued by the European Commission in order to identify and promote the best environmental management practices, the environmental performance indicators for specific sectors and, where appropriate, examples of excellence that make possible to define the degree of environmental performance. The use of Sector Reference Documents can also be particularly useful for all organizations, not just the EMAS ones, to evaluate their environmental performance, identify the achieved level and define new improvement objectives.

The document, in addition to a first introductory and methodological chapter, consists of summary sheets, prepared for each Sectoral Reference Document, to make immediately evident to the reader the essential elements therein contained, promoting, in this first phase, those closest to the Italian reality. The study will be progressively completed with the sheets of all the Sectoral Reference Documents already issued and with those to be adopted in the future.

Download the publication (pdf - 4.6 mb)
