Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Studies: Umbria and Liguria

This Bookleet, focused on the case-studies of Umbria and Liguria, is the ninth and penultimate of the editorial series dedicated to the endangered wine and fruits varieties of the Italian regions.

It provides information on the regional history of fruit growing, fruit-trees landascapes, initiatives of recovery, enhancement and conservation of the traditional fruit varieties and encompasses almost 30 description sheets of varieties typical of each region, selected on the basis of interesting characteristics and considering their genetic erosion risk and protection needs.

The bookleet, carried out by Ispra and Arpa Emilia-Romagna in collaboration with the coordinators of the two Regions, collects technical-scientific contributions from over forty authors and contributors, besides many local farmers, which work every day to preserve ancient varieties and traditional techniques.

With this initiative ISPRA aims to contribute to knowledge sharing on this irreplaceable genetic and cultural heritage and to its conservation.

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(Quaderni) Natura e Biodiversità