Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Mycological biodiversity and its knowledge. Fungi between innovation and tradition

This book of the “Nature and Biodiversity” series is the result of an agreement between ISPRA, ARPA Umbria, the University of Perugia and the Perugino Naturalistic Mycological Center stipulated in 2021.

The book is aimed at both the expert public and researchers and a wider audience with the aim of underlining the importance of the Fungi Kingdom as essential components of biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems and promoting its study and knowledge in environmental education programs.

Recently the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has drawn global interest on the importance of fungi by stating that these organisms deserve a first-rate position alongside flora and fauna and asking that the wording Flora and Fauna be updated in "Flora, Fauna and Funga”( acronym FF&F). This proposal is shared by numerous researchers and institutions, including ISPRA.

The book contains five chapters concerning the Kingdom of Fungi and its many forms, mycological diversity, bioindication, the new frontiers and perspectives of the use of fungi and the task of mycological institutions and associations in their protection and conservation.

Publication available only online

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(Quaderni) Natura e Biodiversità