Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Abandoned mining heritage

Study on the abandoned mining heritage and the valorization in Italy
APAT (now ISPRA), pursuant to art. 22 of Law 179/2002, has realized a Census of the Italian mining sites (1870-2006), available on the website of the Institute.

The research project on the abandoned mining heritage follows the above-mentioned census, with the aim of analyzing all the mining sites which have been recovered and valorized for cultural and touristic purposes.
A geodatabase will be available online in the near future to allow the exchange of information between different subjects in order to facilitate the creation of a tourist circuit including parks, museums and mining eco-museums.
Part of the census of the mining parks / museums is already available on the website within the "Repertory of Italian museums of Earth Sciences."

Reclaiming and development of abandoned mines: the state of the art in Italy - Proceedings of the session V3 - Geoitalia 2009 - VII Italian Forum of Earth Sciences (2011)