Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Methodological guidance for the Environmental Agencies to implement plans/programs monitoring according to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

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The guidance drawn up by the  working group of the Environmental Regional Agencies (ARPA)  and ISPRA: “Monitoring of the plans  according to the SEA”,  give a methodological support for the Agencies involved in monitoring of plans and programs according to SEA, capable to harmonize the implementation in the different regional regulatory ambits.
The methodology  at the base of  the guidance  foresee that the plan/program monitoring system allows the evaluation of the evolution of the environmental context within the period of the plan/program implementation, the degree of fulfilment of the sustainability environmental objectives of the plan/program and significant effects on the environmental context.
The monitoring is performed through process indicators describing the actuation state of the actions activated by the plan/program and indicators describing the effects of the actions on the environment. They acting as a link between process indicators and context indicators related to the to the general sustainability objectives. Furthermore other aspects that need to be explored to integrate the monitoring systems of different plans/programs are treated.

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N. 151/2011