Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Intercomparison on the taxonomic identification of benthic diatoms in surface waters and on the application of the ICMi method (Intercalibration Common Metric Index)


The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires that Member States establish monitoring and assessment systems for classification of the ecological status of their surface waters by means of biological monitoring like macroinvertebrates, diatoms and phytobenthos.

To ensure the knowledge of Italian monitoring operators and the comparability of biological monitoring results across the regions, ISPRA and ISS have organized an intercalibration exercise on diatoms method during two Study Days called “Diatomee dei corsi d’acqua italiani” (January, 12-13 2011). This report describes the results of the first intercomparison exercise on the diatoms method.

Available only in Italian and as e-book.

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