Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Geomorphological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale - Update and additions to the Guidelines of the Geomorphological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale and Geomorphological Database (Issue I, Version 2.0)

Some important innovations needed to provide a more updated issue of Quaderno n. 13 (Technical guidelines, of the Geological Service of Italy - Campobasso et alii, 2018) relate to the re-financing of the CARG Project. This new version provides the creation of the database, responding to the needs documented in the Guideline. In fact, this second version, while remaining almost unchanged in the first part relating to the legend and the cartographic representation criteria, has been integrated through the introduction of a new chapter focused on the geomorphological database. This database represents one of the most interesting innovations introduced by Quaderno n. 13 and an improvement for the realization of the official geomorphological cartography. The old Chapter 9 aimed at proposing an application model of geomorphological mapping "oriented to objects" with full coverage. This new proposal, applying more advanced methodologies and procedures on pilot forms, will be conveniently hosted in the second issue of Quaderno n. 13, which is currently under construction.


Available only in electronic format

Technical Periodicals
Booklets, series III, of SGI
Volume 13, Part I - The CARG Project: changes and additions to the Quaderno n. 4/19944/2022


Parte I


1. La cartografia geomorfologica di base
2. I dati litologici
3. Gli elementi di interesse geomorfologico
4. Altri elementi da rappresentare sulla carta
5. I dati morfocronologici
6. I geomorfositi
7. Note illustrative alla nuova legenda
8. La legenda

Parte II

9. Banca dati geomorfologica - Modello dati e schema concettuale - Linee guida per l'informatizzazione
10. Struttura degli strati informativi geotematici e delle tabelle correlate



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