Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


3rd Workshop on early Cretaceous Cephalopods

The 3rd Workshop of the Working Group on Lower Cretaceous Cephalopods was a unique opportunity to compare the ammonites biostratigraphy of the Umbrian-Marche Apennines lower Cretaceous with the successions described in other countries. The meetings of the Working Group on Lower Cretaceous Cephalopods, which took place within the framework of the IGCP 262 and 362 projects, were a key meeting point, as demonstrated by the massive participation of scientists from so many countries. The aim of the workshops was to reconstruct a standard ammonite zoning for the lower Cretaceous of the Mediterranean region, its rifining and its correlation with other ammonite zones such as, for example, the zone valid for the boreal regions. The articles contained in the Acts of the 3rd workshop on Lower Cretaceous Cephalopods held in Piobbico (PU) from 5 to 8 July 1994, concern all the plans of the lower Cretaceous and the dealt topics mainly rotate around the correction and completion of the standard zoning of the Mediterranean region. The various articles in the volume deal, for example, with the correlation between the Tetideo and Boreale domains, as well as describe in detail some successions of the Umbria-Marche, French and Romanians Apennine domains. There are also works related to the definition of the lower limit of the Aptian, using a Georgian succession, or of the zoning to ammonites of the Aptian and the Albian. Moreover, the Appendix contains an accurate description of the most representative sections of Hautherivano-Barremian visited during the excursions of the meeting.
The volume represents the cognitive basis for a solid and detailed zoning to ammonites, with which to practice long-range correlations.


Cost of the volume 15,50 € TAX included

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 51/1995


Cecca F., Pallini G. - Preface - Hoedemaeker Ph. J. - Introduction

Avram E. - Representative of the Family Holcodiscidae Spath, 1924 (Ammonitina) in Rumania

Cecca F. - Late Valanginian ammonites from Monte Catria (Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy)

Cecca F. - Pulchella (Heinzia) pallinii sp. n. and Pulchella (Heinzia) provincialis (D'Orbigny): Upper Barremian Ammonites of Umbria-Marche Apennines

Delanoy G. - About some significant ammonites from the Lower Aptian (Bedulian) of the Angles-Barréme area (South-East France)

Kakabadze M. V., Kotetishvili E. - New data on the Upper Barremian biostratigraphy of the Georgian region (Caucasus)

Memmi L. - Aptian biostratigraphy of northeastern Tunisia. A stratigraphical approach of Aptian and Albian of Tunisia

Rawson P. F. - The "Boreal" Early Cretaceous (Pre-Aptian) ammonite sequences of Nw Europe and their correlation with the western Medterranean faunas

Rawson P. F. - Biogeografical affinities of NW European Barremian ammonite faunas and their palaeogeographical implications

Ropolo P. - Implications of variation in coiling in some Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) heteromorph ammonites form the Voconzian basin, France

Vasicek Z. - Aptian and Albiane ammonites in the Western Carpathians (the Czech and Slovak Repubblics)

Vasicek Z. - Lower Aptian Ammonites from the Medziholie locality (the Malà Fatra Mountains, Slovakia)


Cecca F., Faraoni P., Marini A., Pallini G. - Field-trip across the representative sections for the Upper Hauterivian-Barremian ammonite biostratigraphy in the Maiolica exposed at Monte Nerone, Monte Petrano and Monte Catria (Umbria-Marche Apennines)

Hoedemaeker Ph. J., Cecca F., (Reporters)  and Avram E., Company M., Delanoy G., Erba E., Ettachfini M., Faraoni P., Kakabadze M.V., Landra G., Marini A., Memmi L., Pallini G., Rawson P. F., Ropolo P., Sandoval J., Tavera J. M. e Vasicek Z. - Report on the 3° international Workshop on the standard Lower Cretaceous ammonite zonation of the Mediterranean region