Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Reticula n.28/2021. Monographic number

Nature-Based Solutions and territory: take care of Nature with Nature

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are strategic, resource-efficient and locally adaptable environmental restoration and recovery actions that use natural elements, systems and processes inspired by the natural functioning of ecosystems. This is a new meaning that derives from a long process of maturation and extension of the possible declinations of applied ecology. NBSs have become increasingly popular as a response to the problems arising from one of the world's greatest emergencies, climate change, taking into account mainly urban situations and the need for these areas to increase their resilience in the medium to long term.

The aim is to provide a contribution and an incentive for new comparisons and necessary in-depth studies, with a view to achieving a definitive disciplinary clarification, convergent and shared among the various stakeholders involved as the researchers, the designers and the public administration, this monograph proposes articles on experiences of application of Nature-Based Solutions with the intention of verifying the actual association between these solutions and biodiversity and to highlight the benefits they can provide to Natural capital.

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