Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Press communication


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No museum declared to produce publications on a monthly basis. The majority of the museums declared to realize sporadic publications, related to single or rare events, and in some cases, none at all. The situation appears to be even more serious considering that the majority of the museums analyzed are managed by universities. Among the comments registered in the field "other", one of the most common is the lack of funding. In fact the publications are related to particular events or specific funds.
The analysis of the responses revealed a non-homogeneous situation within the Earth Sciences Museums’ system, unable to fulfill one of the primary functions due to lack of funding, especially considering that among the options of answer it was possible to choose yearly publications. It means that most of the museums that responded to the questionnaire (approximately 70%) does not publish either with a frequency much dilated in time, thus immobilizing the transmission of the scientific knowledge.