Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


ISPRA's Geological and Historical Collections participation in the exhibition "Terremoti vulcani e nuvole: dalla vulnerabilità dimenticata alla cultura della sicurezza" (Earthquakes, volcanoes and clouds: from forgotten vulnerability to safety culture)


The INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) and the CREA (Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economics Analysis), in collaboration with other research bodies like ISPRA, ASl, CNR, INFN, and the Zoological Station "Anton Dohrn", organized the event “Terremoti vulcani e nuvole: dalla vulnerabilità dimenticata alla cultura della sicurezza" (Earthquakes, volcanoes and clouds: from forgotten vulnerability to safety culture), which took place in Ischia from July 21 to September 29, 2018.

The event originated from the memory of the extreme natural events that historically affected the island and from the prestigious historical tradition of the geodynamic and meteorological observatories of Casamicciola and Ischia.

A reading of the past, therefore, to imagine scenarios of future events and mitigate their disastrous effects.

The initiative was developed on three fronts: exhibition, divulgation activities, conference on risks from extreme natural events.

Conferences and guided visits to different places on the island also have been organized for groups and school groups, also as part of the initiatives that are held every year in the summer at the INGV information centers in Vulcano and Stromboli.

In consideration of its prestigious scientific tradition, ISPRA collaborated in the event with the loan of the historical model "Rilievo geologico del Monte Etna" (Geological relief-model of Mount Etna), exhibited in the exposition path.

The "Rilievo geologico del Monte Etna", together with other 16 historical relief models, is part of the Institute's prestigious Geological and Historical Collections.

The work, recently restored, is a three-dimensional geological model built in a painted metal alloy, created in 1877 by F. Pistoia of the Military Topographical Institute, to participate in the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1878. Its exhibition, 140 years after its creation, has been an opportunity to highlight the importance of the ISPRA Museum heritage, currently inaccessible for the public.





ISPRA's Geological and Historical Collections participate in the exhibition