Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Quaterly bulletin on research funding in the field of water protection

Improve competitiveness of the European industry promoting the application of technology information and communication (TIC). This is the aim of the call for proposal FP7-ICT-2013-11 of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research. The call, with a budget of 236,5 M€, wants to encourage the TIC diffusion in different sectors, from nanotechnologies to green economy. This call is the last one of the programming period 2007-2013, therefore it will play a strategic role both for the financing of the TIC at European level and to the transition towards to new research programme “Horizon 2020”. The Commission wants, in this transition, to involve the SME both in the R&S and in the products and services innovation, aiming to partnership among different players.

PRUE 4/2012

Technical Periodicals