Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Conservation Paleobiology Symposium

  • Quando dal 03/02/2020 08:55 al 04/02/2020 08:55 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
  • Aggiungi l'evento al calendario iCal

Using past records to provide context and guidance in a changing world

Overwhelming evidence shows that ecology, evolution and earth system processes on Earth have been profoundly altered by humans and will continue to be altered for millennia to come. But, what was life like before human impacts and what processes brought us into the Anthropocene epoch? Without this information, the changes we witness on Earth today have no context.

The rapidly growing field of Conservation Paleobiology is using fossil and historical records to provide valuable context and guidance to conservation of life on Earth.

This symposium will bring students and researchers together to provide an informal venue for lively talks and a chance to meet old and new colleagues.